Tuesday, September 14, 2010

surgery schelduled

Riley has surgery schelduled for Oct 1st. He is having his adnoids removed as well as Functional Endoscoptic Sinus Surgery. (Fess) HOPEFULLY THIS WILL HELP WITH HIS SINUS PROBLEMS AS WELL As well as his horrible snoring! We are hoping this goes goes smoothly and makes him not dizzy anymore..... I am not freaked out I think because it is not brain surgery...... Is that bad??

School is going well riley is FINALLY starting to read a bit and Autumn is learning 3rd grade is a bit harder :) zackary is playing tennis and will be running cross country! He is a back up for the Varsity Team in Tennis which is HUGE for a fresman!! Love that kid!

Thats all for now must get to work!

Friday, July 16, 2010

and the results

Are good. He does have Chiari we just dont have to surgery right now. He is still dizzy but the neorosurgeoun want us to go see an Ears, Nose, and Throat dr. we do have an another MRI in December where again the boy will be sedated. so the MRI went well he was intubated to help his breathing, but he took it much better than Autumn did last year. So for now we will just have to try to get rid of the dizziness. He came home and ATE he was so hungry poor boy. Autumn did good and Poor Zackary was trying to work but his focus was on his brother. As soon as I texted him and told him that riley was in recovery he wanted to talk to Riley.

Hopefully my lil man will not have to have surgery but I trust our Neorosurgeon and am SOOOOOOOOOO Glad this is all over. Talk about being relieved.

I did call Autumn's orthopedic Dr to ask about her scans she had last year.

Side note is it bad we schelduled his MRI 2 weeks early since we have met our deductible Hmmm no I dont think so!

I will most likely go ahead with my procedure since our deductible should be met and really this has been an expensive year :) Thats all I am going to enjoy my night.

Now I can focus on getting my work done and going to visit some clients to get their business back :) YAY ME!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Tomorrow is the day. Have to be at the hospital at 7:45 AM and plan to be there 4 to 5 hours........ At least today went by quick. Stayed busy which is always good got to go and visit clients.

When I got home tonight Riley told me he was scared. I asked him of what and he told me the MRI and Surgery :( Thant makes me sad WHY WOULD GOD DO THIS TO HIM????????? Really really hate that this is happening. I hate that Zack has cried thinking his brother may have something major that might happen. It makes me litterally SICK to my stomache. I have only eaten a power bar today thats all. I am ready to wake up from this freaking nightmare really I am. Im done done done.

I miss my brother too. He is so funny he makes me laugh. I hate not having my family closer I think I need to go see my mommy. and sister soon....... You never know what may happen tomorrow literally........ As I sit here trying not to cry I am torn up inside. REALLY torn up. I will update tomorrow maybe.....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

2 more days.........

only 2 more days, getting closer and closer..... The boy didnt want me to leave today when I dropped him off at the sitter he asked me to give him a BIGGGGGG HUGGGGG and I obliged!!! Watching him and Eli jump on the trampoline was greatness today!

I love being able to go to work and also work from home I have finally started to enjoy my backyard!

Thats all for now.... my emotions are still going crazy

Monday, July 12, 2010

3 more days..........

These may be the hardest next 3 days...... The unknown and non control that I feel SUCK BAD...... My lil man came up to me after dinner and told me he wanted me to hold him. I obviously picked him up and hugged him REALLY REALLY HARD...... Then the what ifs set in.... Sometimes I wish I didnt live in this reality and yet I do.

I had another HUGE breakdown last night. My husband and brother are my really safe place right now. I cried they listened and gave me a big hug and then my brother told me I was UGLY when I cry to make me laugh.

Good times!

I can only imagine the stress Riley must be feeling. And the stress the other kids are feeling. Its a scary crazy time for our family right now. The waiting after they take my baby back for the MRI aand then when we get to go wake him up from the sedation will feel like a million years. I remeber that feeling. This freaking post is so jumbled so good luck who ever reads it LOL!

Zack is working with staff from the Keller ISD doing a Science Camp and HE LOVES IT!

OK for some funny stuff now (a little background my boss and I share sitting services for her 2 kids and for my 2 youngest she lives like 2 miles from our office so I drop the kiddos off at her house in the mornings)

This morning everyone was tired we stayed up too late on Sunday night. The kids went to bed earlier but they were still tired and My Riley loves to sleep) Ok so after dropping Zack off at camp (late I might add) I took them to the sitters house. My boss was still at her house and I left. Here is the conversation that occurred between Riley

Riley: Hey Mrs. Rachelle I have had these clothes on all week.
Rachelle: Really?

Riley: Mrs Rachelle you know what else?
Rachelle What?
Riley: I have a big hole in my underwear and I have worn them all week. And I have holes in my shorts also but mom made me throw those away.

That KID is a HOOT!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

So today

Eli and I were talking after I got home from the bank and buying really awesome Red Heels! Eli and I talked a bit he asked me how I was doing? I said I am doing OK but the next 6 days are gonna suck majorly. And as a DUMB DUMB person I pulled the photo book out (I have one for each kid that I have not kept up with very well :O) and we started to look at his pictures of him as a younger boy. And it is very hard on me to think of the WHAT IFS???? And I know that the what ifs are not good to dwell on, and yet I do it...... I HAVE to be STRONG for my little man and that is really hard!
On my way to take Zack to an appt I stopped by to see my awesome friend Kelly. I LOVE her and love that she hasnt and won't give up on me NO MATTER WHAT!
How blessed am I to have such an amazing few friends that no matter what would ever happen they would be by my side. I LOVE YOU FRIEND!

Brandi is another amazing friend I wish she was still my neighbor. I LOVE YOU TO FRIEND!

On the good side my brother is comming to see me today YAY! I totally miss him. Crazy how after 9 years of of us not talking and then us talking again its kinda like old times. I called him and told him I miss him and he called me the next day and told me he missed me! Its amazing what I have missed not talking to him. I start to cry just thinking about if he decides not to talk to me again but I WILL HUNT HIM DOWN AND BEAT HIM UP LOL!

Autumn is doing well with everything going on I think. We are trying to keep life normal for our family. She will go to the sitter on Friday just as normal.

Another craptastic thing is that we won't know what time we have to be at Cooks for his MRI until THURSDAY Really I would like to plan a little ya know.....

Anyways these are my feelings like it or not!

I know none of this is a suprise to God but still some warning could have been good ya know!

Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm not gonna lie

I am VERYYYYYYYY SCARED! It has been such a freaking waiting game and now we are down to 6 days left. On the way to the sitters this morning Riley told me he was scared. It took everything in me to tell him it was gonna be fine. Inside I am scared and hoping for the best.

He has been extremmely tired the last week and that is scary UGHHHH I do not want to deal with this REALLY.

I am extremmelly worried that they will find something on riley's brain I am extremmelly scared that he will have to have surgery and I am extremmelly scared of the WHAT IFS!
I am not sure I am ready to hear the "news" from the neorosurgeon. REALLY WHY OUR FAMILY??? I know some have it much worse I understand that but still.

Here is what goes on in my mind Is it something I did wrong? Is it something I could have prevented? Is it me? Will my other babies have the same problem? (I haven't called Autumn's orthopedic dr caiuse I am too scared). What if he has to have surgery? What if his whole life is changed in a matter of a few hours? I don't want to think of seeing my lil man be put to sleep with anesthesia IT SUCKS......

And to top it off my other boy has had major conversations with his dad he wants to move up here. Where I am happy about that and the opportunities he has here I hate to see him hurt. It makes me sad that his dad is being a A**.

And The lil man has been asleep since about 7 PM (I hope he is not sick ugh)

goodnight we will keep everyone updated with whatever news we know!