Monday, June 28, 2010

Back from Vacation and...

As soon as Autumn and I stepped outside Love Field airport we both looked at each other and went ICK this weather is gross! Where as were were glad to be home I LOVE CALIFORNIA weather! nothing like sitting on the beach and getting a sunburn! Oh and let me tell you I came back sunburned and Autumn came back more tan!

I went to the office when I got in so I could pick up some paperwork I needed and then went to get the Lil Man! When I walked in he said he wasn't excited I was home! NICE HUH! However I know he was! We went to eat and our kids didn't fight in fact they even sat next to each other BONUS! (Since they are both lefties sometimes it can be difficult for us (Eli and I) to sit next to them without us all bumping elbows :) That night Riley asked if he could cuddle with me and he climbed up on my lap and fell asleep! Same thing the next day he wanted to cuddle with me more.

To my knowledge they still haven't fought! I left on Sunday night for a surprise visit to my brother (He was really surprised) and got to visit for a few minutes then I proceeded to Amarillo. I am meeting prospective clients here and had a chat with a small bank here as well as a childcare center! And then I was to leave today to go to Lubbock but plans changed when I found out the hotel I am at is about to do a remodel. The Sales Manager was talking to me and told me she used to work in Insurance and Bonds also and I asked if I could get the name of her General Manager or whoever handles their bonds etc. So I have a meeting with the general Manager in the morning! So see me talking alot to strangers isn't always a bad thing :)

Then I get to go get my Zacky! YAY!! We (Zack and I) are going to do a mini staycation I think and go here

Yep that's as close as I can find for bungee so we are going to do it all! We may go Tubing down the river in New Braunfuls but I am not sure yet! It will be just him and I. I am excited that we are getting to spend quality one on one time with each of our kids. This will continue for us even though they may not always be huge vacations but it is a special bonding time for us all! Autumn has not had an attitude since right before we left and I have been relatively stress free!

Eli and I have talked a lot about stuff lately and the other night we were sitting on our deck and we started discussing how we are dealing with Riley's stuff differently. He asked me if I really thought about it all day every day and I told him yes EVERY SINGLE MOMENT I think of the What If's?? I know my kiddos could die at any moment but if it were a car crash or something it would be sudden ONE OF MY BIGGEST FEARS is that Riley will have to have surgery and the Dr will walk out with a Look on his face (kinda like they do on TV) and tell us that they lost our lil man. I can not even fathom how I would handle that and sadly I dream about that all the time. good thing is that since I am working that helps keep my mind busy for a portion of the day!

18 more days until our MRI and thankfully we get to see our neurosurgeon right after we are done!

Thats all for now!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Last Day in California

We went to the beach The newport and balboa one to be excact! At this beach it is huge saili boat and yacht beach area. The boats were amazing and there were tons of them!
Today we were at the beach for 6 hours and then came back to the hotel and the girl wanted to swim! She has been a fish this week! we had room service at the pool and then we had to come upstairs and get packed up for our 645 am flight (what was I thinking???) I am looking forward to seeing my boys but am not looking forward to the Texas weather. I love the beach and am so SUNBURNED but have loved every single moment! There is something calming about being in the fresh beach sand and right next to the water. I am soooo gald we didnt go to Florida considering the oil spill!

We did meet some people at the pool yesterday from Seattle and we started talking and I told them we were from Texas, so the grandfather of the kids there asked me if I loved George Bush where I replied I think all politicians are sleezy!

And the grandmother said I would have never thought you were from Texas because I don't have the Texas accent YAY!! And so when we left I said Y'all have a great rest of your vacation in my best Texan accent! The grandmother laughed!

So its 10:55 here and my flight is at the crack of dawn so off to be I go!

Next trip I am taking with my big boy I think we will go to New Braunfuls to float down the river!! I don't want him to feel left out and lets face it I love vacations HAHAHA!

Good night friend and feel free to ask questions about Riley I think writing (by recomendation of Dr Kahle) will help me and answer questions you may have!
I think even a scary thought is that the neorosurgeon in Austin told me I need to ask her orthopedic dr about chiari because Scolosis is a sign of the same thing. I am not sure I could handle that again but on Monday I will be calling and asking and praying that she will not have to undergo another MRI to find out......

in case you are curious

here are some pictures that kinda explain Chiari
If he has to have surgery the decompression is what will happen

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Girl Vacation

When your world gets rocked and you start to think about all the things you want to do with your children and they may not be here the next day your view on life changes or at least mine did.

In May the Boys (Riley and Eli) took a trip to see the Space Shuttle launch in Orlando. So Autumn and I decided we needed to take a trip just the two of us so here we are in California. This has been the least stressful week I have had in about 4 months. Autumn has started to feel a bit left out I think and has had a bit of attitude and I think it is due to Riley's Drs appts., and the extra attention (not intentional ) he has gotten.

So we booked our trip the first day we were here we went to see the Hollywood sign and walk Hollywood Blvd. We had such a blast! We also visited Venice beach, WE LOVED IT! the street performers were amazing, the shopping is not as commercialized. The funny thing is that I saw some "BONGS" at the smoke shop and I smelt "POT" and thought wow I havent been around that smell in a long time but I forgot that Pot is legal in Cali! We came back to our hotel and went swimming at our pool where I started talking with some other guest and she mentioned that she had 2 more days on her park hopper tickets and we got a deal on them! YAY!!
So the on Monday we went to Disneyland and had the BEST TIME!! Loved it! stayed till 10 ish and came back and went swimming again!

Tuesday was beach day again this time to the Santa Monica beach OH MY it was so gourgeous beautiful sand, awesome amusement park, awesome pier. There is something about seeing your child run to the waves and have such a big grin on her face! We then had to go shopping! I mean lets face it someone has to do it!

WEdnesday we went back to Disney for the day to finish the rides we didnt make the first day! We also got to watch the most amazing light and color show with animated characters. She is on her bed sleeping so we can gear up for another beach tomorrow!!! YAY!!

It is amazing memories we have made on this trip I think it will be an annual thing for just the 2 of us to get away and enjoy just being girls!!

Thanks Eli for allowing the girl and I to come to California and thanks to Rachelle (My boss) for taking over my responsibilities so I could come!

Oh and for the record it is a NICVE 77 degrees here !!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So I am writing this to keep everyone informed!

Right before Spring Break Riley told us he was dizzy, we thought well maybe he needed to eat a bit more, or that it was just something small going on. We knew he wasnt faking because we saw him have to hold on to something during one of his extremmely dizzy spells. So after a few weeks of him telling us he was dizzy we took him in to his peditrician. She said his reflexes look good but she wanted to order a CT Scan just to see what was going on and also gave us 2 strong sinus meds for him to take. So that Friday we went in to get a CT Scan. That evening around 4:30 I got a phone call from his Dr she told us his sinuses were a mess and ordered more meds for him. We joked that weekend that we paid 1000.00 to find out he was full of snot. So on Monday I went to work the kids went to school just like normal. I joked with my boss that I would get a call from my peditrician around 4. And I did around 2:45 on the way to get the kids from school. The first words out of her mouth were "DONT FREAK OUT" I asked her to hold on so I could pull over. The next 5 minute phone call was most likely the hardest phone call I have ever had. She tld me Riley had a condition on his brain called Chiari which is basically his cerrebellum is growing out of the base of his brain and we need to see a NEOROSURGEON. So I cried and freaked out and called Eli and told him. Then I had to compose myself so I could pick up the kids. Riley's teacher knew something was wrong with me and asked me and I just started crying on her shoulder. The next week consisted of calling and trying to get into a neurosurgeon who would think it would have such a wait. I did find one in Austin and we called a friend and got a flight to Austin for a good price. (thanks Jeffersons) The neurosurgeon there told us that we would need an MRI and see if he would need surgery. So we found out a lot about the condition in that visit but before we decided to move forward we wanted to get a 2nd opionion. So we then had an appointment in ft Worth with a Dr. He said basically the same thing which was reassuring and we schelduled and MRI which is on July 16th. To give you a perspective on the time frame of our wait we found out Riley had this condition on April 12th. So needless to say our lives have kinda been in a world of emotions. The boys took a vacation to see the Space Shuttle launch because well you never know if we will have our little man the whole Brain Surgery kills me. And to top it off he will have to have a MRI every YEAR of the rest of his life :( So hopefully this blog will help keep everyone updated on not only how Riley is but how we 9the rest of the family) are holding up. Right at this moment Autumn and I are in Los Angeles on vacation (she has been feeling very left out since Riley is getting more attention because of his stuff) so thats where our lives are at the moment.

My world has been ROCKED to the Core. I am MAD AT GOD, cant understand why this is happening to us and yes I know God is in control and loves my child more than me and I also am aware that it could be much worse. However this is MY LITTLE MAN and I DO NOT EVER WANT TO LOOSE HIM. I know Drs are very skilled but anytime you talk about brain surgery it scares the crap out of me and even more when it is my child. I know that the rest of our friends and our family are praying hard for us and we appreciate that much.

We will have to put Riley under for the MRI and I do not like this at all It was so hard on Autumn when we had to do it last year, AND IT SUCKS. Our family haas a new reality now and I am trying hard to deal with it! Not always making the right decisions on how to deal with it, I went out with friends and had drinks which did push those feeling to the side for a bit. Now I am trying to just deal. Hopefully his MRI will show that we just have to watch the Chiari.

I will keep you all updated

Love you all